Archive for November, 2024

Ever since I first read about and played Epic Space Marine back in the early 90s I was in love with the War Griffons and the machines of the Collegia Titanica. These fantastical war engines dominated the battlefields of every White Dwarf battle report I read. Sure, the infantry did a lot of work but these walking fire platforms were what sent my impressionable mind ablaze!

Skip forward 10 years and I still loved playing Epic (God’s Own Scale) and with Epic:Armageddon I fell in love all over again. Sure, titans were not the dominant machines they once were but were still fantastical on the battlefield and could lay down so much firepower they had to be dealt with.

20 years on again and I had resisted the urge to jump into Adeptus Titanicus (mk2) but yet my will was weak and friends sold me on Legions Imperialis.

And here we are again…

This time my painting skills and techniques have improved, the models are so much bigger and more detailed, plastic and possible and have locations ready for magnets to be inserted for quick swapping of weapon load-outs.

And again, Legio Gryphonicus walks to war…

So with high hopes and a bounce in my step I set forth to complete the Parker Barrows core box, some extras and make a start in the Dr Silas Half-Blood/Asylum crews for Malifaux.

Initially I made some good steady progress using Citadel Contrasts and Army Painter Speed Paints over a zenithal white base applied using my Badger Sotar 20-20.

With time running out on the month I decided I would delay my Silas models and give him more time in the future and work more on the Bandit keyword. In the end I completed 85SS worth of models with plenty of scope to play around and see what works best.