Archive for August, 2016

So with Asami bringing a much-needed summoning force to the Ten Thunders let’s have a look and see what’s available for her to use.

She can summon Oni minion models with a similar trait to most other summoning masters – Target Number (TN) is 10 + the cost of the model you wish to summon + a mask in this case. She does not need corpse counters like Nicodem, or to hurt enemy models like Molly and the summoned models come in at full health. So what’s the down side? They gain the Flicker condition which is reduced at the end of the turn. Once you have no flicker left you are removed from play. This gives her a great shoot and forget mechanic, drop a high mask card and get a gribble beast out for a turn. Potentially 3 times.

In addition she can remove corpse markers nearby to increase the flicker condition giving the summoned model some longevity.

Her totem can also increase the flicker condition but only once per model each turn.

Friendly Oni can also damage her in order to make a 2AP charge action for 1AP, perfect for those summoned models to charge right in and do some damage.

So what models can she summon? We have Tengu at 8Masks, Yokai at 9Masks, Obsidian Oni at 10Masks and Jorogumo at 13Masks

That is a pretty good range of models that can be summoned in with a range of cards.

BUUTTT let’s have a look at Mr Tannen. His action allows masks to be used at their face value + 2 so suddenly we are popping Tengu out on a 6 and Jorogumo on 11Masks. Throw Sensei Yu into the mix and we have 4AP to use for summoning scary monsters.

Oh my.