Spurred on by a Facebook group I decided to try and get some more paint on my Epic Armageddon forces. First up was my Emperor’s Children Sicaran battle tank. This is a vehicle recently introduced in 40K lore and stemming from the Horus Heresy. perfect for my Heresy Emperor’s Children. And in support we also have an Emperor’s Children super heavy tank – Fellblade Glaive -still WIP. The Eldar were not left out this weekend as they got some heavy support in the form of a Scorpion grav tank.
#Epic #Armageddon Progress
Posted: April 20, 2015 in PaintingTags: Emperor's Children, Epic, Horus Heresy, Il-Kaithe
Great tanks!
Are those 3d printed?
I am actually trying to make some like these for myself. Any good hints on making these?
HI Gabriel, They were custom made by a modeller and not for sale, purely for painting and display. There are some great 3D printed options over at Shapeways if you search for 6mm models.
Thank you, i’ll search there for inspirations. I’m glad to own a 28mm Sicaran Venator, so getting the right dimensions shouldn’t be the big problem.