With some more superb artwork Wyrd has left me wanting more and more. If this is Shenlong and the High River Monks then Sensei Yu was nothing like how I thought.
Archive for July, 2014
With recent episodes of Fools Daily and The Gamers Lounge podcasts it encouraged me to write a post of the games I have been playing. With the rise in popularity of Kickstarter games it really is a golden time for gamers. The problem for many gamers is getting time to play all of them.
At the beginning of this year I made 2 resolutions – to paint 365 points of skirmish troops and to play every system I have rules for or own models for. We will skip my first resolution for now as it’s covered in other posts and is going well thanks to tournament preparation so we will skip to all the systems I have access to:
Malifaux – My main game, a character driven skirmish game and what I have most models for. Easily achievable to play a game of it this year. [Played]
Bushido – A semi-mythical/historical Japanese skirmish game and at present a firm favourite quick game to play when I have Malifaux burn-out. Played quite a few games but have only started playing the scenario games which have led to a lot more thought given to crew creation for scenario achievements. [Played]
Warmachine/Hordes – I have had models for Warmachine since First Edition but have yet to have a full game. I have had a demo game but have yet to fully immerse into the game experience. The flip side is Hordes which I have only recently bought into. Yet to play it but similar mechanics to Warmachine. [Played]
Dystopian Wars – I have been playing it for years with my Britannians but have yet to get a game with Second Edition. A fun game but requires a good amount of time invested to play. [Yet to play]
Epic:Armageddon – I love this game system but yet to play this year. Now unsupported by Games Workshop but with so much detail and depth I find it incredible that this game is not more popular.[Yet to play]
Secrets of the Third Reich – A Weird World War 2 platoon-level game. Great rules but requires some play to figure it out properly. Can be played straight up WW2 or can ad in some weird or sci-fi elements to jazz things up. This game was my entry point into collecting WW2 models. [Played]
Flames of War – Another WW2 game. This time at 15mm scale so that means army-level scale. Not a huge urge to play but will get round to it this year. [Played]
Guildball – This was a kickstarter earlier this year and I backed for 4 teams and some extra models which will give me 5 teams in the end. Expected delivery is December but rules are free to download currently and a lot of team stat files are there too. Played a few games with it and like Bushido will be a fun secondary game to play every so often. [Played]
Looking through my Kickstarter pledges I have:
Zombicide – a great board game and loved by everyone who plays, in particular my missus, which means that it gets a lot of table time. I was lucky enough to get in on the 1st season so have been collecting all the limited edition promo figures from each season and with season 3 just finishing on kickstarter I can expect a lot more survivors, zombivors and zombies.
Guilds of Cadwallon – Sort of like Tic-Tac-Toe but with a Cadwallon/Confrontation theme with little miniatures as tokens. An upgrade allowed for a board to place the miniatures and cards on rounds out the game and makes it more boardgame-like.
Zombicide Season 2 – MOAR zombies, MOAR survivors, MOAR add ons. My biggest spend on Kickstarter but not by much. £2 more than what I spent on Guildball.
Oddball Aeronauts – A fun card game where you play furry sky pirates. Your deck forms your health and when it runs out you lose. Good filler game.
Luchador – A dice game simulating the crazy world of mexican wrestling. Hit your opponent with a table or perform a signature move to achieve the pin. Crazy good. I was lucky enough to be involved in the play testing of this from a local company, Backspindle Games.
Zombicide Season 3 – Just finished and my pledge is sitting currently at the base game and expansion plus all the free stretch goals – MOAR ZOMBIES, MOAR SURVIVORS, MOAR STUFF. I will inevitably add more to my pledge to get additional limited edition stuff.
And I think that rounds it out. 5 miniature games to play with 1 of those getting played tonight. My German Grenadier list will be ready to take the fight to the enemy in Secrets of the Third Reich.