Archive for the ‘Gaming’ Category

Ever since I first read about and played Epic Space Marine back in the early 90s I was in love with the War Griffons and the machines of the Collegia Titanica. These fantastical war engines dominated the battlefields of every White Dwarf battle report I read. Sure, the infantry did a lot of work but these walking fire platforms were what sent my impressionable mind ablaze!

Skip forward 10 years and I still loved playing Epic (God’s Own Scale) and with Epic:Armageddon I fell in love all over again. Sure, titans were not the dominant machines they once were but were still fantastical on the battlefield and could lay down so much firepower they had to be dealt with.

20 years on again and I had resisted the urge to jump into Adeptus Titanicus (mk2) but yet my will was weak and friends sold me on Legions Imperialis.

And here we are again…

This time my painting skills and techniques have improved, the models are so much bigger and more detailed, plastic and possible and have locations ready for magnets to be inserted for quick swapping of weapon load-outs.

And again, Legio Gryphonicus walks to war…

So with high hopes and a bounce in my step I set forth to complete the Parker Barrows core box, some extras and make a start in the Dr Silas Half-Blood/Asylum crews for Malifaux.

Initially I made some good steady progress using Citadel Contrasts and Army Painter Speed Paints over a zenithal white base applied using my Badger Sotar 20-20.

With time running out on the month I decided I would delay my Silas models and give him more time in the future and work more on the Bandit keyword. In the end I completed 85SS worth of models with plenty of scope to play around and see what works best.

Call the Marshals

Posted: August 6, 2023 in Gaming, Hobby, Painting
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After the fun of the Henchman Hardcore demo day and seeing how badly my quick build crew was to run (Judge, Jury and 2 death marshals*) I thought I would tie in this month’s ‘Tale of Malifaux Painters’ with building out more options for my Marshals.

I have since stripped my old metal Alt Lady Justice and Miss Terious and built out the remaining marshals (Lone Marshal, Exorcists, Domodores de Cadavres) and am aiming to tackle a good few of them this month.

This at least should some better options for playing Hardcore or even at a full game of Malifaux!

I know it’s a short month with the holidays so I am not going to be too ambitious and I have only signed up to complete 15points of models this month. So far I started Lady J, Miss Terious, The Judge and the Scales of Justice, lady J’s totem. I am going for a worn leather on all the Marshals except for the exorcist who should be in black as befits their status.

* The only ones I had painted

Henchman Hardcore is different from standard Malifaux in the following ways:

  • Encounter Size is 30 Soulstones.
  • Round Time Limit is 45 minutes.
  • Only Henchmen can be chosen as a Crew’s Leader.
  • A Leader’s Cost is not treated as 0 when hiring.
  • A Crew’s Soulstone Pool can never exceed 3 (any excess Soulstones are discarded).
  • Player’s have a maximum hand size of 4.
  • Player Crews must contain exactly 4 models and are fixed for the event, and thus cannot change between games.
  • Leaders have an Action limit of 2 instead of 3.
  • Models cannot be Summoned. If a model would be Summoned, the Summon effect is ignored.
  • The Helping Hand ability listed on Effigy models is ignored.
  • VP from Strategies may be scored during Turn 1.
  • Encounters are predetermined:
  • Deployment: Wedge
  • Strategy: Plant Explosives, as listed in GG0. • Schemes: Vendetta & Assassinate

So I am finally getting a chance to introduce some new folks to the wonderful world of Malifaux M3E. And what’s more, we are going on a road trip to the hallowed halls of Beasts of War!!

I have packed a metric ton of boards, markers, models, fate decks and assorted other paraphernalia to help these newbies to play one of the best systems currently out there.

I have been beavering away, sorting out crews, sleeving cards, printing cards ( I had to even write a Java application to split PDFs to read them into my image editor software but that’s another story) and painting up a whole heap of models to get ready.

To that end I have decided to paint up a crew that I have loved since early M2E – The Crossroads Seven. I have even signed up the to Malifaux Painters Blog to try and carry on my enthusiasm.

So far I have finished Wrath (started during Lockdown using the Contrast paints from GW) and carried on with Envy, Gluttony, Pride and Greed. Up next are Lust and Sloth. I have also completed the Carrion Emissary and primed my Shadow Emissary ready for Amy first attempt at colouring using my airbrush (purchased circa 2015 ish)

This has really lit a spark under me and I am eagerly awaiting next weekend. Get ready for photo overload!


Harvey follows a lead

Posted: April 20, 2021 in Gaming, Hobby

As a follow up to today’s run through of the Murder at the Excelsior I tried again. This time I got further and after defeating Mr Trombly I was able to continue to the rooftop and nimbly work my way down to room 212. There I managed to find clues and add them to the locket I discovered earlier.

As the Act resolved I discovered that in fact it was a vengeful spectre haunting the hotel. With the aid of sergeant Monroe I was able to reach room 245 and finally put this spectre to rest.
Case closed.

So today I opted to use not 1, but 2 expansions from Arkham Horror LCG together. I took on the role of Professor Harvey Walters from the recent Investigator Starter decks to explore the standalone adventure, Murder at the Excelsior.The starter decks are a great addition to the game, crafting a decent pre-made deck for the Investigator and also supplying upgrade cards to purchase into your deck as you progress in a campaign. I took all 30 of the base cards for Harvey and had a quick glance. His deck is designed around getting assets out that will help him increase his hand size and some cards will alter their cost or ability based on his hand size. A strong focus on Willpower and Intellect tests is where Harvey shines.

Murder at the Excelsior provides a good standalone adventure but, like the others, can be integrated as a side quest in a campaign. The expansion has a core deck and also 5 other separate sets that will be shuffled in as the adventure continues. This offers a good amount of replayability.

Harvey returned to his locked office at Miskatonic where a cryptic note was left on his desk with a book of matches from the Excelsior Hotel “I have answers. Room 225. Come alone. They’re watching.” Grabbing his coat from behind the door Harvey decides to investigate…

With this being my first time with Harvey and also a new scenario I made some rookie mistakes. I needed to get a bigger hand of cards quickly to make full use of his abilities. Also I interpreted some of the text on the scenario cards incorrectly. With a low combat ability and a slightly better agility he needs to always be evading or trying to sway combat for intellect/willpower tests.

Anyway it all ended for Harvey on the rain-soaked rooftop of the Excelsior, pursued by Mr Trombly, the maddened concierge.

Good times.

It was rumoured, it was leaked, it was retracted and then it was…well, launched. Wyrd has officially announced that Malifaux Third Edition will be coming. They plan to have 2 crews ready for Gencon 2018 with some of the new cards and rules in place. Their email said that Rasputina and Marcus will be ducking it out for folks to play with this year.

And that got me thinking why they would do 2 Arcanist Masters to fight with. But then they dropped the bomb – Marcus is now Dual-faction with Neverborn. WHAAATTT?

And he’s not the only one switching up things it seems. McMourning has lost his Guild faction (nothing new here since he was caught controlling zombies by Lady J), Misaki has handed in her merc card and become Ten Thunders solely (again this was story-driven and as head of the Katanaka clan she needs to lead the Ten Thunders), Lynch has stepped away from the Neverborn connections and Brewie has thrown in his lot with the Gremlins. McCabe got out while he could and cashed in his lot with the Thunders. Let’s hope I can still bring some Guild forces when I play McCabe! Jack Daw has now appeared in the Ressers which switches tings up a touch.

To replace these lost dual factions we have some new ones – Zipp has become Outcast Dual-faction (well, he is a pirate!) and Hoffman may be showing some Arcanist sympathy as he becomes Dual faction with them.

Some players might be a little riled up by this but by far the most anger has come from some lost masters. Within the fluff of Malifaux we have seen Nicodem taken out, Lilith has been locked in the Red Cage by Zoraida (for her own good) and what’s left of Ramos has been shipped Earth-side to Vienna. This means that now in M3E tournaments these masters will be useable at the TO’s discretion.

With some masters now gone we have new masters stepping in to take their place. First (and rightfully so) Nekima has taken her place as Queen of the Nephilim, Euripdes has come down from the mountain to serve Titania, Von Schtook has taken his university on a field trip and now is a master in the Ressers and Dashel has been given a promotion within the Guild.

From what information has been released it seems that M3E will streamline a lot of what has become seen as bloated in M2E, namely all the tracking of conditions. There will now be 11 main conditions in the game. Masters and models that previously used conditions will now use tokens for tracking quantities. I don’t really see a difference here but let’s see where they go with it. Deployment zones have now been changed to increase threat ranges and I guess action from turn 1 will become the norm.

To achieve this there is a closed beta that will be working til release next year. By far the most interesting part of M3E is that unlike M2E which had a staggered release for models using a wave system, M3E will be fully ready to go when it is released. With a lot more models introduced from M1.5 to the end of M3E this is a massive undertaking but hopefully we will be in for a treat!


Just looked at the last date I posted and realised it’s been 18 months. That’s not good! I haven’t been sitting on my rear doing nowt in the between times but I guess I have neglected this blog.

Let’s see…

Malifaux, my primary love, I have been collecting and assembling anything Ten Thunders related that has been released (and yes that means non-10T where I can use them with dual-faction masters) as well as expanding crews for some other masters (Molly, Lilith and Justice) but I’m always looking for new ideas for crews


For some time now I’ve been using resin bases for all my Malifaux models. Nice cobblestone bases from Fenris Games. The quality is, variable, and the colours not always consistent and there has been a noticeable trend on the 40 and 50mm bases to be thinner than usual. I also discovered that there’s some significant size creep meaning my 40mm are about 43mm and 50mm are a joke.

But my entire Malifaux collection is on the same basing so what did I do? Went with a new supplier using resin base inserts instead. I’ve kept all the unused bases from all my Malifaux models so at least I had something to work from.

My next action was to find a supplier that had what I needed and I got them! Gladius Game Arts do resin inserts in 30,40 and 50mm with victorian flagstones. They also do other ranges and styles. Very nice, consistent casting and readily available.

And so began the task of freezing all my miniatures and carefully slicing through the superglue join and reattaching to their new bases.

A number of Kickstarters arrived over the last few months and one that I was really interested in was Blackwater Gulch. This Western-horror skirmish games had a revamp and the miniatures in the Kickstarter were re-sculpted and were beautiful. I went in on 2 rulebooks and 3 crews, Lawmen, Outlaws and Cursed. The other faction, Beasts, did not appeal at the time but since the Kickstarter arrived they ran another successful Kickstarter to provide minion re-sculpts to add more support to the crews.

A nice twist on Blackwater Gulch is the creator has supplied Photoshop templates and the rules allow you to create your own stat cards to use models in your collection. And with that I went straight to work and created a Death Marshal force for Blackwater Gulch.

[Update] Since creating the cards, the publisher has shown how minion cards are used and they are typically costed in groups of 3 so the death marshals should be triple the cost on the card.


Arkham Horror LCG

Posted: January 25, 2017 in Gaming, Hobby
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The new hotness from FFG this game seamlessly combines a rich RPG experience with their innovative living card game (LCG) format.

Players take on the role of investigators and build their own player decks either using the pre-built format or with a customisation element to build their characters how they wish. The core game provides 5 different characters but only enough cards to build 2 decks. The game is designed to play anywhere from 1-4 players. Each player deck contains assets and abilities to use but crucially also has a character flaw that must be included. Will paranoia grip your character at a crucial moment?

Games can be played individually or linked through a narrative campaign where a player deck can be enhanced through gameplay or certain cards can be removed as they are affected by the game. Other cards can be upgraded using experience points to make them better.

Each game is a series of Acts to which players must meet requirements in order to progress. against there Acts there are Agendas that will be set in motion should the players take too long to complete an Act. Players travel to Locations and perform up to 3 actions each turn to achieve the requirements of the story. A random deck of monsters and events is used as AI Dungeon Master working against the players.

Another innovative mechanic in the game is the chaos bag. This replaces any dice rolling that is required in standard RPG games while if you like other type of games like casino games you can also try the johnny kash casino to make some money as well. The chaos bag contains a handful of tokens with various numerical modifiers. The contents of the bag can be tailored to change the level of difficulty during a game or campaign. When a character is required to make a skill check or a melee attack he consults his profile for the stat, can discard as many card from his hand that enhance the stat and then draw a token out of the chaos bag. If the final result equals or beats the required target it is a success, otherwise it’s a fail.

With 1 deluxe expansion already published and 2 Mythos Cycle packs released for the expansion this game has some major support behind it. There are also 2 stand alone scenarios available currently. These can be played as standard games or brought into the campaign – Curse of the Rougarou and Carnevale of Horrors.

I have pimped my game out with a box organiser, a special chaos bag (Elder Sign bag) and the official playmat from FFG. Very much looking forward to more games in the future.


  • The new hotness from FFG this game seamlessly combines a rich RPG experience with their innovative living card game (LCG) format.Players take on the role of investigators and build their own player decks either using the pre-built format or with a customisation element to build their characters how they wish. The core game provides 5 different characters but only enough cards to build 2 decks. The game is designed to play anywhere from 1-4 players. Each player deck contains assets and abilities to use but crucially also has a character flaw that must be included. Will paranoia grip your character at a crucial moment?Games can be played individually or linked through a narrative campaign where a player deck can be enhanced through gameplay or certain cards can be removed as they are affected by the game. Other cards can be upgraded using experience points to make them better.Each game is a series of Acts to which players must meet requirements in order to progress. against there Acts there are Agendas that will be set in motion should the players take too long to complete an Act. Players travel to Locations and perform up to 3 actions each turn to achieve the requirements of the story. A random deck of monsters and events is used as AI Dungeon Master working against the players.Another innovative mechanic in the game is the chaos bag. This replaces any dice rolling that is required in standard RPG games. The chaos bag contains a handful of tokens with various numerical modifiers. The contents of the bag can be tailored to change the level of difficulty during a game or campaign. When a character is required to make a skill check or a melee attack he consults his profile for the stat, can discard as many card from his hand that enhance the stat and then draw a token out of the chaos bag. If the final result equals or beats the required target it is a success, otherwise it’s a fail.With 1 deluxe expansion already published and 2 Mythos Cycle packs released for the expansion this game has some major support behind it. There are also 2 stand alone scenarios available currently. These can be played as standard games or brought into the campaign – Curse of the Rougarou and Carnevale of Horrors.I have pimped my game out with a box organiser, a special chaos bag (Elder Sign bag) and the official playmat from FFG. Very much looking forward to more games in the future.D.

  • The new hotness from FFG this game seamlessly combines a rich RPG experience with their innovative living card game (LCG) format.Players take on the role of investigators and build their own player decks either using the pre-built format or with a customisation element to build their characters how they wish. The core game provides 5 different characters but only enough cards to build 2 decks. The game is designed to play anywhere from 1-4 players. Each player deck contains assets and abilities to use but crucially also has a character flaw that must be included. Will paranoia grip your character at a crucial moment?Games can be played individually or linked through a narrative campaign where a player deck can be enhanced through gameplay or certain cards can be removed as they are affected by the game. Other cards can be upgraded using experience points to make them better.Each game is a series of Acts to which players must meet requirements in order to progress. against there Acts there are Agendas that will be set in motion should the players take too long to complete an Act. Players travel to Locations and perform up to 3 actions each turn to achieve the requirements of the story. A random deck of monsters and events is used as AI Dungeon Master working against the players.Another innovative mechanic in the game is the chaos bag. This replaces any dice rolling that is required in standard RPG games. The chaos bag contains a handful of tokens with various numerical modifiers. The contents of the bag can be tailored to change the level of difficulty during a game or campaign. When a character is required to make a skill check or a melee attack he consults his profile for the stat, can discard as many card from his hand that enhance the stat and then draw a token out of the chaos bag. If the final result equals or beats the required target it is a success, otherwise it’s a fail.With 1 deluxe expansion already published and 2 Mythos Cycle packs released for the expansion this game has some major support behind it. There are also 2 stand alone scenarios available currently. These can be played as standard games or brought into the campaign – Curse of the Rougarou and Carnevale of Horrors.I have pimped my game out with a box organiser, a special chaos bag (Elder Sign bag) and the official playmat from FFG. Very much looking forward to more games in the future.D.