Posts Tagged ‘Lucius’

So this week seen a resupply of modelling materials. And with that a spurious effort to build some more models that arrived in the last 2 weeks.

We begin with some Lampads, Resser spirit enforcers (3 in a box, 7SS). These boys are swirling masses of ethereal fire and if an enemy dies nearby from burning, they get to become a new Lamapd, yay!

Some nice Guild models arrived in the shape of Guild Investigators, 6SS minions that can lock down enemy actions, deny scheme markers from being used and generally mess with the gameplan. Nice for Lady J, Lucius or McCabe who can bring them into Ten Thunders.

Sparks was my next assembly. A gremlin who can make a model a construct and gives Mei Feng a nice assist for rail walking or better yet can make Mei a construct and then Lazarus can copy her actions. Useful lil green guy!

Another little guy was the Alt Tanuki that was available in some box sets or as a promotion for store purchases. These poison pandas can be slippery with their Defensive trigger and are able to use scheme markers to give out poison. Who wants Sake?

I also based up a female gunsmith. Love the pose of this model and will definitely take her when I go Mei Feng Arcanists.

A custom bayou base was needed for McTavish and his gator. Some cork tile and a little clip, tear, scratch and slice and the job is done. Will add some water effect when I get round to painting him.

Lastly I assembled my first building from TTCombat. Their range of Venetian buildings for Carnevale are lovely. This is their Townhouse A, a 2-storey building with a large footprint. A few more of these and I will have a nice mix of buildings (with extendable floors for extra height) that can either be used flat, or with the addition of some walkways, create a Venetian board with canals and limited open ground.and choke points around some bridges.

Well last weekend seen our annual trip to Cork on the South West coast of Ireland for Paddyfaux, so-called as it is run over the St Patrick’s Weekend street party in Cork. Hosted by the great Mike Foreman and held in the luxurious Imperial Hotel in Cork the event is always a lot of fun and highly anticipated event in our gaming calendar.

Day 1

Setting off from Belfast it took just under 5 hours to reach our destination and that even included rush hour traffic in the one-way system of Cork’s main streets. Some of our friends from the United States made the trip across the Atlantic for the event and we met up with them in the family-run bar of the host Mike. Dan Lowrey’s Bar is a great location serving fantastic local ales and ciders and with wonderful home-cooked food it really is worth the trip. Sitting down with a few pints of Chieftain IPA we caught up with the Americans, Tera and her husband George, over a few bowls of traditional Irish stew. Then it was back to the hotel for gaming.

Our Americans brought some gaming goodness from their game store Mastermind Miniatures and Models which included a lot of X-Wing ships for the guys and some Cthulhu expansions for me. We broke out Luchaodr Mexican Wrestling Dice, played some Munchkin Loot Letter and snacked on authentic american jerky! It’s all good!

I started the year with the intention of doing something more than just collecting (read buying) new shiny models. I already have a buttload (metric tonne) of toy soldiers and not enough time to paint them all. Enter my New Year’s Resolution.

I aimed to paint 1 point a day for the entire year. This does not mean paint an arm on a 5 point model but just be able to sit back on December 31st and count up 365 points of models painted in a year. As i mainly play skirmish games this gives both a challenge since games are low points cost meaning lots of models but also a potential to reach out and grab other skirmish games to play, collect and paint. Enter Bushido #itsathing.

It started reasonably well and by January 5th I had finished a 5 SS Malifaux model, my female Drowned. Solustones, SS, are there way of points costing models. Bushido uses Rice Bowls. Secrets of the Third Reich uses RP but this is not a skirmish game so a 6RP unit may consist of 10 troops, 3 large monsters or a steampunk tank robot – I know, cool! right?

Then the procrastination hit, buying more new models and not painting those I had. Time was piling up and my points total for the year was not matching it. Time for some severe motivation.

With Paddyfaux looming up and extra raffle tickets on offer for painted crews I decided to up my game. Deciding on Neverborn to compliment my #ToMB project I knew I had to get a lot of models completed to give me a depth to my crew pool. So let’s take a look:

  • Drowned – 5SS
  • Lilith – 10SS
  • Barbaros – 10SS
  • 3 Terror Tots – 12SS
  • 2 Young Nephilim – 12SS
  • Mature Nephilim – 11SS
  • 3 Silurids – 21SS
  • 2 Waldgeists – 12SS
  • Lucius – 10SS
  • Austringer – 6SS
  • Black Blood Shaman – 7SS

This gives me a total of 116 points of models painted this year. It is now 17th March (Happy St patrick’s Day!) which makes 76 days so it looks like I have recovered from my February slump. Just a little motivation really does help.

With the new Malifaux Vassal league starting soon and with 10 Thunders as my chosen faction it looks like I have more motivation to paint up my 10 Thunder models to get practice games in.



Tournament Preparation

Posted: March 13, 2014 in Gaming
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With this weekend seeing the inaugural Paddyfaux (St Patrick’s Day weekend in Ireland) I want to talk about crew selection and what goes in to help with the strategies and schemes on offer.

The Paddyfaux rulespack sets out the strategies we will be playing over the 5 rounds and also a list of schemes available for those rounds. 3 games on Saturday at 40SS, 2 on Sunday at 50SS means we can be assured of very different games and experiences.

There is no paint requirement for this tournament although fully painted crews will grant extra raffle tickets for prizes. I have decided to combine this tournament with my #ToMB log and try and get as many models painted in the timeframe.

I opted then for Neverborn as a faction choice for the tournament. Each faction has 7 masters available to it but I will be sticking with just 2. Lilith as part of my #ToMB and Lucius. There are a large range of models that can and do work well with Lilith, from her Terror Tots for objective running to Waldgeists to cut down LOS to Nephilim for beating on models. She is purely in-faction in her selection.

Lucius on the otherhand is the Governor’s Secretary. A high ranking member of the Guild but as it turns out is secretly a Neverborn Master. He allows access to MIMIC and GUARDSMAN models through an upgrade he can purchase. This means Lucius can bring in some much needed firepower to the Neverborn – Guards, Riflemen and Austringers are all available to him.

So this gives me 2 distinctly different builds – Lilith with her fast hard-hitting but fragile crew and Lucius with his buffs to minions and ability to order people around and take out of sequence actions. Whether or not this is a good idea will remain to be seen. Results will be posted after the weekend.


#ToMB Lilith WIP

Posted: March 5, 2014 in Hobby, Tale of Malifaux Bloggers
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So some of you may notice that I have not used the current plastic model for Lilith in my #ToMB project. There are 2 reasons for this. Well, actually there’s 1 reason for this if I’m being honest. The original Lilith model is still one of my favourite models in the game.

Yes, she does have an oriental feel to her. Yes, she is wearing thigh-high boots with stockings and little else. And yes, she is twiddling a finger through her hair while resting a giant bad-ass sword on 1 shoulder. All of these things add together to make it a model that exudes confidence, killyness and cool. All of these things embody what Lilith is in the fluff and in the game. She is the Master of Malifaux. The land bends to her will and she will use it to exact her vengeance. And yes, if you get within range she will use her blade to great effect.

It’s true the new plastic model has similar aspects but nothing says cool than a lady twirling a finger through her hair and then decapitating you. As for the painting I started off with a black undercoat and used an airbrush to prime most of the model with GW Dawnstone through an airbrush. The airbrush allows me to apply thin layers of paint and then to get overspray to get a gradient effect on parts of the model –  the coat in particular. I have used purple on the model to tie in with the rest of my Neverborn models and will also use some green as many of my Neverborn models have green as well. I have been experimenting with glazes and used that to give a purple glaze to the inside of the coat. I will also apply some dust to the coat using a glaze method.

The boots were airbrushed with the grey but 2 washes of black have created a nice highlight and depth to them. I’m debating on using varnish to make them shiny or not. Her hair has been given a base layer of terracotta before an ink of nut brown. This, I realised may have been a mistake as it dried shiny. A wash of dark brown helped tone down the shine and a final drybrush of red brought out the tips and highlighted the raised areas. The sword and boot tops were base coated with a dark metal mixed with some matte medium. The medium dulls down the metallic paint flecks while still giving some shine. I much prefer this technique than a straight application of metal paint.

Also in the picture is Lucius, the Governor’s Secretary, the right-hand man of the Guild Leadership. It’s true he’s Guild through and through but this character definitely has his own agenda.

YMMV but for me the original model of Lilith still wins out.

  • Lilith and Lucius work in progress

With only 2 weeks before Paddyfaux we have been frantically playing smaller level games to prepare for the first day (3 rounds 40SS). I have played 1 game with Lilith and 1 with Lucius and I will tell you what I have learned: 40SS does not go very far.

In order to get minions that can fulfil the schemes on a game-by-game basis the amount of big gribblies I can field goes down dramatically. Lilith took 3 tots, a cherub, silurid, Young Nephilim and a waldgeist. Leaving no room for any heavy hitters (Young Nephilim aside). So what’s outcome? Basically the difference between 40 and 50SS is a heavy hitting minion, enforcer or henchman. What i believe is that if you nail your games at 40SS then moving up to 50SS just gives you more survivability to do some damage with the additional model in your crew.

I also ran a Lucius Guild/Mimic crew with 2 riflemen, austringer, beckoner, tot and a silurid. Again with little experience with Lucius I eked out a draw but was not using Lucius or his minions to their optimum abilities.

And the painting is still continuing. Have been steadily applying 3 colours at least to all models. Still got a few that need to be airbrushed but this will happen this weekend.

Malifaux at Slayers 24/2/14

Posted: February 26, 2014 in Gaming
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Last night we had more training games for Paddyfaux with 40SS games being played. Lucius (Neverborn) took on Hoffman in Squatters Rights and Sonnia and McCabe had a grudge match in Reconnoiter.

Hoffman vs Lucius

Hoffman – Remote Mines, Field Mechanic, Arcanist Assets, 6 cache
Mechanical Attendant
Guild Guard
3 Spiders

Lucius – Surprisingly Loyal, Legalese, Secret Assets
2 Riflemen

Both set up on opposite flanks and rolled up the board, the Silurid jumped forward to flip a strategy marker and the tot ran up the outside. The Hunter received Fast and Hydraulics from Hoffman, giving him Nimble for the game. He moved up, the Beckoner lured him forward and a rifleman Red Jokered for damage on him, killing him. Then my opponent announced Frame for Murder and scored 2 points.

Lucius did what he does best – order minions around, swapping places and dropping scheme markers. Hoffman was coughing up scrap markers to use for his Remote Mines later in the game – setting up traps so that Lucius could not get near him.

The Terror Tot ran up past a Guild Guard and a Silurid landed in base contact beside him preventing any shots at the little fella. In reply the guard swung twice at the Silurid for 4 damage.

Next turn the silurid leapt away to continue with Breakthrough leaving the tot to the pistol of the guard. 2 shots and he was done. The beckoner lured a spider forward to help reposition her in between 3 scheme markers for Protect territory.The spider lucked out, flipping a strategy marker and preventing Lucius from scoring. An entire round of shooting from 2 riflemen, an austringer and Lucius himself finally killed the spider off. A reposition of a rifleman gave the chance of flipping the scheme marker but a remote mine killed him.

We reached the end of Turn 5 without either master taking any wounds. The dust settled and the score stood at 9-9.