Posts Tagged ‘McCabe’

So this week seen a resupply of modelling materials. And with that a spurious effort to build some more models that arrived in the last 2 weeks.

We begin with some Lampads, Resser spirit enforcers (3 in a box, 7SS). These boys are swirling masses of ethereal fire and if an enemy dies nearby from burning, they get to become a new Lamapd, yay!

Some nice Guild models arrived in the shape of Guild Investigators, 6SS minions that can lock down enemy actions, deny scheme markers from being used and generally mess with the gameplan. Nice for Lady J, Lucius or McCabe who can bring them into Ten Thunders.

Sparks was my next assembly. A gremlin who can make a model a construct and gives Mei Feng a nice assist for rail walking or better yet can make Mei a construct and then Lazarus can copy her actions. Useful lil green guy!

Another little guy was the Alt Tanuki that was available in some box sets or as a promotion for store purchases. These poison pandas can be slippery with their Defensive trigger and are able to use scheme markers to give out poison. Who wants Sake?

I also based up a female gunsmith. Love the pose of this model and will definitely take her when I go Mei Feng Arcanists.

A custom bayou base was needed for McTavish and his gator. Some cork tile and a little clip, tear, scratch and slice and the job is done. Will add some water effect when I get round to painting him.

Lastly I assembled my first building from TTCombat. Their range of Venetian buildings for Carnevale are lovely. This is their Townhouse A, a 2-storey building with a large footprint. A few more of these and I will have a nice mix of buildings (with extendable floors for extra height) that can either be used flat, or with the addition of some walkways, create a Venetian board with canals and limited open ground.and choke points around some bridges.

Here’s a shot in the arm for TenThunders players. Looking forward to getting these on the table ASAP.

Master Queeg is Black Sheep and is available for use with McCabe.

Mechanized Porkchop (aka Robopig) and Sparks are available to use with Mei Feng through the Foundry characteristic.

Both Jorogumo and Obbsidian Oni are true TenThunders but Jorogumo can be taken with Misaki in her Outcast role.


Malifaux at Slayers 24/2/14

Posted: February 26, 2014 in Gaming
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Last night we had more training games for Paddyfaux with 40SS games being played. Lucius (Neverborn) took on Hoffman in Squatters Rights and Sonnia and McCabe had a grudge match in Reconnoiter.

Hoffman vs Lucius

Hoffman – Remote Mines, Field Mechanic, Arcanist Assets, 6 cache
Mechanical Attendant
Guild Guard
3 Spiders

Lucius – Surprisingly Loyal, Legalese, Secret Assets
2 Riflemen

Both set up on opposite flanks and rolled up the board, the Silurid jumped forward to flip a strategy marker and the tot ran up the outside. The Hunter received Fast and Hydraulics from Hoffman, giving him Nimble for the game. He moved up, the Beckoner lured him forward and a rifleman Red Jokered for damage on him, killing him. Then my opponent announced Frame for Murder and scored 2 points.

Lucius did what he does best – order minions around, swapping places and dropping scheme markers. Hoffman was coughing up scrap markers to use for his Remote Mines later in the game – setting up traps so that Lucius could not get near him.

The Terror Tot ran up past a Guild Guard and a Silurid landed in base contact beside him preventing any shots at the little fella. In reply the guard swung twice at the Silurid for 4 damage.

Next turn the silurid leapt away to continue with Breakthrough leaving the tot to the pistol of the guard. 2 shots and he was done. The beckoner lured a spider forward to help reposition her in between 3 scheme markers for Protect territory.The spider lucked out, flipping a strategy marker and preventing Lucius from scoring. An entire round of shooting from 2 riflemen, an austringer and Lucius himself finally killed the spider off. A reposition of a rifleman gave the chance of flipping the scheme marker but a remote mine killed him.

We reached the end of Turn 5 without either master taking any wounds. The dust settled and the score stood at 9-9.