Posts Tagged ‘Beasts of War’

So I am finally getting a chance to introduce some new folks to the wonderful world of Malifaux M3E. And what’s more, we are going on a road trip to the hallowed halls of Beasts of War!!

I have packed a metric ton of boards, markers, models, fate decks and assorted other paraphernalia to help these newbies to play one of the best systems currently out there.

I have been beavering away, sorting out crews, sleeving cards, printing cards ( I had to even write a Java application to split PDFs to read them into my image editor software but that’s another story) and painting up a whole heap of models to get ready.

To that end I have decided to paint up a crew that I have loved since early M2E – The Crossroads Seven. I have even signed up the to Malifaux Painters Blog to try and carry on my enthusiasm.

So far I have finished Wrath (started during Lockdown using the Contrast paints from GW) and carried on with Envy, Gluttony, Pride and Greed. Up next are Lust and Sloth. I have also completed the Carrion Emissary and primed my Shadow Emissary ready for Amy first attempt at colouring using my airbrush (purchased circa 2015 ish)

This has really lit a spark under me and I am eagerly awaiting next weekend. Get ready for photo overload!
