So with the reduced availability of eldar flyers I decided to try and make my own. Scouring the Bits sites for suitable components I stumbled across a flyer made using an epic eldar jetbike. Taking that as a sign I started last night and by the end I had made decent progress on 2 nightwings and 3 phoenix bombers.
The bonus is that they could possibly be used by both Eldar and the dark cousins, Dark Eldar. And after seeing Elsmore’s painting log I decided to steal/borrow the idea and paint mine the same way, as Prince Yriel’s Raiders.
I also managed to get some more work done on my Eldar revenant titan (a 40K wraithguard)
Really like your Epic flyers and titan. Any pics of the completed miniatures?
Unfortunately not, been on a back burner for a while as other systems have come up. Will get back to them shortly though…