#ThrowbackThursday and today it's a @BushidoGCT demo board for @WaylandGames pic.twitter.com/6ePb0BcWPH
— OSHIRO modelterrain (@OSHIROmodels) January 28, 2016
Archive for January, 2016
SoTR German Drop Troops Inbound
Posted: January 28, 2016 in Gaming, HobbyTags: Drop Troops, Germans, PanzerGrens, Panzers, SoTR
With the recent newsletter from West Wind Productions announcing the resculpted Incursion models available on their webstore it will only be a matter of time before they have the full line up available. My Mechanised drop force will soon be complete and led by Hilde, the Valkyrie.
Hilde Becker has the dubious honour of being the Reich’s best troubleshooter. What that ultimately means is that High Command tends to drop Hilde and whatever Drop Trooper assets they can muster into the worst locations that the Allies can construct. Her continued survival is a testament to her abilities. She’s also occasionally used to bring certain rogue elements back in line…
@BushidoGCT New glimpse of the mighty race of Buto and Jung Pirates
Posted: January 21, 2016 in GamingTags: Bushido, Jung Pirates
Yet more additions to the Bushido range. After their teaser in the Rise of the Kage expansion – The Docks of Ryu – the Jung Pirates become the 9th faction in the Bushido universe. This mighty Buto fights under their banner.
Okyo Archer – Ito Clan
The ashigaru in the Okyo garrisons are massing in preparation for the battles to come. Whether armed with the Okyo naginata, as slightly smaller version of the standard weapon due to the confines of the terrain or the Ito short bow they are ready to combat the enemies of the snake. The versatile archers make excellent skirmishers, lightly passing through the densest undergrowth before raining death upon the enemy with cold Izu steel.
#Resolutions2016 and Hobby time
Posted: January 18, 2016 in Hobby, ResolutionsTags: Epic, Malifaux, Man Days, OGAM
So this year with my reduced hobby time I will be concentrating on a few select projects. Malifaux will be a major focus but I also want to give some love and encouragement to lesser rulesets. This also allows me to give some love and attention to the models in my collection that have yet to feel the caress of a brush.
- Complete the 2 Epic forces I started last year. I was close to completing my Eldar last year. When I say close I was almost at 3,000 points. This does not give a lot of wiggle room for tailoring my force so I will be adding to my force to get it to around 4,000 points. I will also attempt to get my Heresy Emperor’s Children up to the same level. I love the Heresy models and will be continuing painting purple this year. I will also be adding some titan support to both my loyalists and traitorous forces. This will also feed into playing lesser-played systems, below.
- Paint 1,000 points of ‘Of Gods and Mortals’. Published by Osprey Games this is a nice simple system with lots of room for customisation of forces, creating your own pantheon of gods and take part in epic battles. For me I will be doing a dark celtic force using some old Rackham models from their Drune range. My force consists of 4 units, 2 characters and Cernunnos the Horn’d God. This force can also be segued into a force for Dragon Rampant, another Osprey Games system.
- Organise and take part in various ‘Man Days’. With limited gaming time we have decided to have 1 day a month devoted to gaming with the guys. This is organised chaos where any system and games are welcome, turn up and play. Grab an opponent, organise before or on the day, or rope in anyone who wanders by to play a game. Our first Man Day will be 31st January and if successful will continue every month.
- Play more. Simple. Whether it’s in tournaments or just a relaxing board game with my wife I want to play more this year.
#Malifaux Shadow Emissary Preview
Posted: January 18, 2016 in Gaming, HobbyTags: Malifaux, Ten Thunders
Another beautiful render from Wyrd Miniatures. Need this ASAP. My proxy will be fine until the official model is released.
The Emissaries are the embodiment of their faction and enhance and compliment every master in the faction.
2015 – A review in gaming
Posted: January 6, 2016 in Gaming, ResolutionsTags: Epic, Guildball, Hobby, Malifaux
Ok, let’s get this out of the way. I failed in my hobby challenges. Completely! But I had a great year, attended some conventions, went half way around the world to play toy soldiers and painted stuff I had lying around for years. I’d call that a moral victory.
- The Rainbow Award. Play all 7 factions at 7 Malifaux events. Well that didn’t happen. It started well enough placing 2nd and 3rd in my first 2 events using factions I rarely play – Arcansists and Neverborn. I followed this up with another 3rd place with a faction I have never played before – Outcasts. I ended the year with 2 more events both of which I used 10 Thunders for. So that leaves Ressers, Guild and Gremlins for 2016. I did however increase my rankings position this year and finished in the Top 20 at the UK Nationals in November. Finishing 46th in the UK I’d call that a result!
- Play a game a week. Well let’s just say I played games whenever I could. I updated my year of gaming banner with every game I played. Don’t think I reached 52 weeks of 1-a-week gaming however.
- Paint 2 3,000 point forces for Epic. I got a significant amount done with my Eldar but my Space Marines are sorely lacking. I will get final numbers for this. I did manage to get to a gaming club while I was in Australia and witnessed a truly epic spectacle of Epicness – 48,000 points of Heresy Epic in a mad game.
Going forward I aim to get more Epic painted, more games played – I’m looking at you Guild Ball – and trying some new games – Mayhem 10mm, Of Gods and Mortals and Warmahordes as well as slot games at wizardslots with my wife and daughter.
It’s going to be a good year!